Wednesday, July 8, 2009
2=Saving Cambodia's Great Lake
In Cambodia today, there is growing awareness that the Tonle Sap Lake and its remarkable wetland habitat must be protected--- before it is too late. The Tonle Sap is among the most productive freshwater fisheries in the world. The Cambodian people depend on the lake's resources, but how long can it last? The Tonle Sap has become an environmental hotspot. Fish stocks are threatened by cutting of the flooded forest, overexploitation, and illegal fishing practice. Growing pollution and erosion of soil from the watershed are accelerating the lake's demise. While the lake is under attack on many fronts, there are grounds for optimism. This video documentary is the story of this wondrous wetland and the people who depend on it for survival. It is the story of communities working together to protect the lake's resources and improve their livelihood.
12:07 AM